It appeared that the five would get some solace on August 9, 2005, as the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta voted to unanimously overturn their convictions on the basis that the trial was mired in subjectivity and the venue of the trial—in the Cuban exile community—made it unfavorable and prejudicial to the five. A new trial was ordered on the grounds of the unfavorable venue however a few months later on October 31, 2005 following pressure from the Federal Government to review the decision, the ruling was reversed. My opinion on this matter is that this case and the publicity behind it is mean to distract us from the true underlying story which is that the Cuban Five had disrupted another CIA sponsored plot and are now being MICED by the US justice system in an attempted cover up.
I challenge President Barack Obama to stay true to his promise of change and hope and make this case a priority as the United States cannot continue to engage in acts of terrorism to overthrow a government that was swept into power via a revolution by and for its people. I also condemn the review panel of the Supreme Court of the United States lead by Judge Pryor, whom under pressure by Solicitor General Elena Kagan denied the petition for a writ of certiorari for the five in May. In addition the decision by the court to deny the review on the 15 of June 2009 is a travesty and a violation of the human rights of these individuals. Furthermore it appears as though President Obama’s agenda seems to have been redirected by the Neo-Cons as he has recently began to shy away from his hard stance to reform the financial and military industrial complex. President Obama you need to understand that you were not elected by the Neo-Cons but by the people of the United States, and your power comes from them; not how many votes you get in the house or the senate.
FDR was a powerful and influential President because he understood that by drawing from the will of the people his agenda can move forward and rather than lose political capital, FDR gained because he catered to his core constituencies. I am deeply disturbed that Obama would not comment on this case nor would he pressure his Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate these organized terrorists groups in Miami that continue to violate the sovereignty of Cuba. This shameless stance by the Supreme Court to deny the Cuban Five a right to petition again points to the hypocrisy and frailty of the American Justice system which continues to be more partial and subjective rather than impartial and objective. For a country that was built on values of freedom and the rule of law, the US has entered a dark age of Imperial lust contradictory to the vision the forefathers of democracy had.
In looking at the US relationship with Cuba, let’s not forget the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Operation Mongoose, the War Against The Bandits and finally, let us not forget Operation Northwoods a CIA black operation that was intended to make it appear that Cuba had engaged in acts of terrorism against the United States to justify an invasion of the island. The evidence is overwhelming to the level of atrocities the US has bestowed upon its tiny neighbor to the south yet the world sits by idly doing nothing. I strongly support the Cuban Five and the thousands more who continue their struggle to repel these attacks against their government and their beloved country. To date the Cuban government has catalogued and recorded nearly 3500 casualties as a result of four decades of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Cuban exile organizations against the island nation. Recall also the bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455 by men trained and funded by the CIA which resulted in the deaths of Cubans and Bajun nationals. The Cuban exiles, who continue to be used as puppets for the Neo-Con agenda of corporate imperialism, are disgraceful, treasonous, cowards that prefer greed and corruption as opposed to a shared society where the good of all trumps that of a few. With all its wealth and might, the US has the highest rate of homeless and improvised citizens in the industrialized world while in Cuba everyone has access to shelter, food and an education. How many Cuban Exiles in Miami are living the American Dream? How many are able to weather this current financial crisis and keep their homes?
The American dream, the war on terrorism and the war on drugs are all contradictions of a free society as none of these ideals have benefited its citizens nor have they benefited the large world population. The American dream has been subverted by corporate greed, the war on terrorism is propagated by the military industrial complex and the war on drugs benefits the tobacco and private prison facilities that make millions each year due to incarcerations. Until the US revamps its Justice system and purges the government of the Neo-Cons it will always be considered a corporate empire disguised as a democracy. We had all hoped that Barak Obama would be a breath of fresh air but as time slowly reveals that while the face and now color may change in the Presidency, the agenda remains more or less the same. Obama I challenge you to pardon the Cuban Five and send a clear message to the rest of the world that justice must be fair and balanced. As a constitutional lawyer Mr. President, you should know that above all else. To the Cuban Five—Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labanino, Fernando González and René González—I salute you. Viva La Revolución!!!!!
Dr. Kevin Alcena

dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute
dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute
dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institu
dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute dr kevin alcena and mchari institute